“A Good Place to Be” states their website, and that is not a lie. On a quiet road in Echo Park this Coffee Shop, Bakery, & Foodie Lover eat in establishment is a place to look into.


Service:  Pleasant & Attractive

Atmosphere: City Chic, Minimal & Open

Seating: Inside or Outside, whatever suits your Fancy.

Food: Delectable & Adorable


The first interaction I had here was with Rosemary, the manager of this beyond cool eatery; what a doll. Making it a point to be able to seat before the total party had arrived, which rarely happens at any eat-in place that is worth eating, all with a grand smile on her face.

When inside you feel as though you are in another world coming off of the busy street of Sunset Blvd into a calm environment where you dine with friends, or savor a latte alone with a good read. I am not sure I would have ever stumbled upon this hidden gem if it hadn’t been for referral from a friend of a friend, so please take my advice and visit Winsome.

A classic of many, a fried egg sandwich, held it’s own on the menu with the warm, runny and perfectly seasoned toppings, as well as the charred escarole chicken soup. I don’t know about you but a soup order is rare for me, but have no fear as you won’t be disappointed here.



1115 Sunset Boulevard

Los Angeles, CA 90012