Writing for Vulkan Magazine has me discovering and sharing MORE now than ever. Recently I ventured to the Hollywood sign ( behind it at least // sortof ) to get a breathe of fresh air to share with others as well. 

As I describe in the full write up about HIKING, how incredible it is to get out in the fresh air and let your body work hard and Your Mind wander to WHEREVER it wants to go. It's such a fantastic time to be one with yourself, nature, and your health and fitness. I encourage you to take a hike ( ah ha) and experience this moment for yourself and take care of you! 

This specific hike allows for amazing views of LA from Playa, Santa Monica, DTLA, Hollywood and MORE! Depending on clear it is the day you choice to venture out the more you will see at the better you will be able to appreciate the world that is around you if you choose to check out this specific mountain. 
