Hurry. You've already missed out longer than you should have ....
There's a place that is known by many, but not nearly as many do know that are going to be surprised to discover this b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l, tasteful, chic, l u x u r i o u s, shop & restaurant establishment in Fredericksburg.
"Make Vaudeville your next destination even if you weren't planning on going to Texas and you will not regret it."
Specifically I had the honor of dining downstairs for a gourmet lunch where I feasted with friends and family on the Marinated Chicken Confit. Proceeding this fantastic meal was only the b..e..s..t BOTTOMLESS BUBBLES BRUNCH the day after Thanksgiving where course after course we were treated with the best combinations of meat, vegetables, fish, soup and champagne.
You do not necessarily have to dine when you go visit, but trust me - you should.
There is something for everyone:
An Event Space
Multiple Restaurants
Home Living & Decor Shop
An Art Gallery
Check out Vaudeville and let me know what you think. I would love to hear you disagree with my opinion concerning this group of t-a-l-e-n-t-e-d individuals that have turned this beautiful space into something to be discovered for years to come.